The low angle of the sun makes for great reflections!
Bumping along a trail, I spotted this buck lying in the crp.
He didn't offer to move for quite some time, until finally, he got up and strolled away. He didn't appear to be injured and I wondered if he was a bit "touched"? The odd antler on the left could indicate genetic problems!
Just a bit farther, a coyote stood and watched us. I was beginning to think all of the animals were a bit "touched" in this area. Either that or word is getting around that Jim no longer carries a rifle on a regular basis!
Creative use of a junk vehicle:
LOVE the giant shotgun blast in the side of it!
The orange deer skull is pretty special too.
They even painted a large rock silver with the words "keep out" in orange paint.
As the sun was setting, a pond's surface turns silver, providing mirror-like reflection.
Not a breath of wind was blowing and the deer were on the move.
A fine trip was had by all.
This thanksgiving, I am grateful for the professional, courteous service of my co-workers who continue to keep NEMHS a well oiled machine.
I am also thankful for my amazing husband and our wonderful life.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!