Friday, November 30, 2012

The Kolden Report: Last Venue of 2012! November 30, 2012

Hi kids!
First of all, Happy 81st Birthday to my dad, Dewey on November 24th!  Here's wishing him good years to come.
Next, a benefit raffle is underway in Glasgow at the hospital, for a little girl with cancer.  Stop in radiology and purchase as many tickets as you can afford  -then head for the cafeteria to browse the amazing selection of gift baskets you could win.  (Don't bother putting your tickets into the bucket for the Kindle Fire, I've got that one all sewn up!)  There is a tool basket, chocolate lovers basket, movie night and much more to choose from.  The drawings will be held December 19th so time is short!  You can also mail in a check with your name, address  and phone number and let the girls in radiology enter you.  Mail checks to FMDH Radiology, 621 3 Street South, Glasgow, MT  59230.  Thanks and good luck!
Finally, the Optimist Bazaar is here!  Tomorrow, from 9-3 at the Wolf Point High School Gym, you will find a veritable bonanza of shopping.    Everything from candy and cookies by the pound, leather art by Tacee Desaye and Brandy's Mary Kay will be on tap.    Of course I will be there with new pieces, art cards and books.  Since this is the season of Thanks and Giving....I want to give back to show MY thanks.  I'll be drawing for a few prizes (pieces, books, art cards) at the bazaar's end for those of you who purchase.  You need not be present to win.  Stop by the booth to see what's new and good luck! 
Now, a teeny, tiny report before I get to framing!
Dawning day. 
Night fall.

Driving home, I admired the fat moon and one bright star (planet?) above it.  I stopped at the bridge park to have a look and although the shot could have been exposed longer....I still like it.    Stay tuned, am going to continue to play with the night shooting.  I have SO much to learn!
If you are going to doubt something, doubt your limits. - Don Ward

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Kolden Report: Variety Show, Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hi, kids!
Welcome new subscribers, to your first "Kolden Report"!  I hope you enjoy the ride.
Many thanks to all of you came out yesterday to the bazaar in Glasgow and showed your support.  You are the "fuel" in my "gas tank" and this report is dedicated to all of  you. 
 Shelly Sampson was the lucky winner of "Blushing Shack" in my drawing, congratulations to her! 
Mark your calendars, December 1st is the Optimist bazaar in Wolf Point at the high school, from 9-3pm.  All buyers will again have a chance to win one of my pieces. 
Now, on to a short report!
What makes the world, go round.
Leaf bliss.  (Who knew decay could be beautiful?)

Heaven on earth.
Whispers of the past.
Daylight delight.
Character, seen at the bazaar. 
Thank you, Rosa!
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.-
Albert Schweitzer

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Kolden Report: Variety Show, November 3, 2012

Hi, kids!
Don't forget to vote if you haven't already.  (I know, I know -'ll soon be over.)
Here is something to take your mind off politics!
Peaceful, easy feelin'

Breaking day.
Into thin air.
A closer look.

Morning mystique.

Blue sky at night, viewers delight.

Smoke meets sky.

Black plume.

Creek side cottonwood.

Seen in Walmart.  This gentleman told me his offspring was laboring to give birth and he wanted a comfy spot to chat.  Congrats Grandpa!

Fabulous front door.  (Thanks to Fred and Tom for the wonderful dinner in Huntley and chance to visit.  I so enjoyed it!)

Fog.  Cloaking the world in wonder, since the beginning of time.
House of the rising sun.
Eastern sky.

Milk River Moment.

Tantalizing trio.
Fabulous four.
Furry fella.  (Seems like he had turned his head to look at me?)

Eight legs.  (Two bulbous things are what?  Venom?  Web spinners?)
Fanning flames.
Same as it ever was....
Windswept sandbar.

Walk to water. (deer)

Brush stroke.......
Two by two.  (Coyote)
Porcupine cockle bur.

Riverside water hole.
Break point.  (Eventually,  shifting sands will fill in this lovely pool leftover from the flood)
Art, by wind.
Pinwheel pine cone. 

Leaf skitters.
Storms make oaks take deeper root. - unknown