Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Kolden Report: From Circle, Montana to Portland, Oregon...and points in between. February 28, 2013

Hello, kids!
I am pleased to invite you all to the first annual Circle Art Walk, tomorrow (Friday) from 3-6 in Circle, MT.   Artists participating include:
*Judy Bollinger -Jordan, MT  -original paintings - at Circle Insurance.
* Peggy Nerud & Mary Knapp -Circle & Billings - collaborating their talents with pieces made from metal finds
and fused glass- at Garfield Bank.
*Maureen Curtiss -Circle, MT,  paintings on sandstone featuring new works of Homesteads from the Nelson & McGuire
Creeks - at Circle Credit Union.
*Tom Colhurst- Circle,MT- carved works made from old ceder fence posts - at Joanne's Boutique.
And ME, at Prairie Pickin's.
Businesses will remain open until 6pm to give folks a chance to come on out and view our art.  Come see us, if you can.  We'll leave the light on....
In other news, lady luck has again smiled upon me.  I had ANOTHER piece accepted into a Portland, Oregon Gallery!  Life IS GOOD!
And now, a short report. 

Regal eagle.  (Seems to favor this particular tree).

Rugged river. 

Shape shift.  The air hole shoreline is in a constant state of flux.

Red sky at night.

Clear channel. 

Ahhhhhhhh, moment.

Heaven let your LIGHT shine down!
I am relieved that the days grow longer.  It's difficult for me to be able to photograph my world when it's dark when I leave for work and again when I drive home!  I can almost feel my soul let out a squeal of delight at the thought of capturing the sun breaking the horizon above the river or setting over town as I leave.  The thought of foggy mornings and cloudy eves, thrill me and after a winter's slow down I find myself primed and ready. 

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened.  Happiness never decreases by being shared.  - Buddha

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Kolden Report: Billings Benefit and a slice of life and the damage done. February 9th, 2013

Hi, kids!

Don't forget, tonight is the big event in Billings.  Mingle, dance and bid on a host of fun and fabulous prizes (including Carrie Underwood concert tickets or one of my pieces),  all in support of the Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter.  The YVAS wishes to build a new kitten room and proceeds from tonight's event will do just that.  Go out, have a ball, spend a little of your hard earned cash and help them meet their goal.  After all, who doesn't love Kittens?    Here's the details:
Saturday 6pm, February 9
Support our furry friends
$10 Cover Charge
Bones Brewery
1425 Broadwater in Billings, MT
Silent & Live Auction
Live Music
A Benefit for our Furry Friends
My Furry Valentine

And now, a short report!

Lone soldier.

I spy....

NO peeking!

Lovely, in white.

Winter coat.

In Glendive, Jim spotted this flock.  We watched them swoop, turn, dive, circle, part, meet, and eventually roost for the evening.  HOW do they keep from colliding mid air when so many share such a small air space?

Trail of birds.

Sky Full

Group circling.


"Swirling" dervish.

Can we all fit?

Just passing through?

Parting ways.


Angular sky.  (At first, I thought I had held the camera at an angle but no, the clouds are tilted!) 

If you receive a flat screen tv and you see dents in the box....

And this is what you see when you turn it on....your TV is BROKEN.    You likely will even not notice the damaged box or see any damage to the unit until the television is powered on.  Then, you could see THISLesson learned.  
One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.  - Bryant H. McGill

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Kolden Report: Call of the wild, part two, September 20, 2012.

Hi, kids.
Back along the river....

King of the hill.
On the move.
Snack time.
Back to work...
Brush thrashing.
The boy...with the faraway eyes.
Pair plus one.
A bull and his band.
Just passin' through....
Airborne branch. 
Him and her.
Lean, mean fighting machine.
The call of the wild II.
Run and gun...
The big picture.
Quad squad.
BLAST off. 
Double vision.
SING it!
Glorious end of day.

Stay tuned for day two...
Every failure teaches a man something, if he will learn - Little Dorrit