Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Kolden Report: Morning Meanderings, January 22, 2014

     Hello, kids!

In the soft, golden light of morning along the lake , I wandered...fascinated by what I saw. 

Golden grass tangle.

Fire on the plains.

Geese float.

Glass grass.

Rain had fallen overnight and quickly dipping temps froze the droplets where they fell. 


Sunrise seed heads.

"Broom" grass. ( I don't know what it's called but it reminds me of tiny, old brooms.)

Bow your head....


Frosted "grains".


Lakeside loveliness.

Tower power.

Ice drops cling to slim foliage.

Pond side pals.

If walls could talk.

IH Model F-20.  "Good footing at sea level".  "Overloading causes engine to run below proper speed and increases wear and breakage.  DO NOT OVERLOAD."  Yeah, I bet ALL farmers read this teeny plate on their tractor...


Off, on the road less traveled.

Stay tuned, more to come!

"The truth is on the march and nothing will stop it."  - Emile Zola


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Kolden Report: Sunrise Series, January 14, 2014

Hello, kids!

While camping along the lake, I took this series as the sun made it's way into the sky.   I am often stunned at the beauty in our world.   Enjoy!

In the beginning...

Pastel palette.

Diagonal darkness.

Lake lapping.

Waves of silver.

Light bright.

Pink pleasure.

Large and in charge.

Light it up-up-up!

"What a wonderful world".  - Louis Armstrong


Bigger picture.


And "thar she blows!"


Stay tuned. More to come!

"Noble deeds that are concealed are most esteemed."  - Blaise Pascal


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Kolden Report: Missouri Meanderings, January 7, 2014

Hello, kids!

Welcome to 2014.  I wish you all peace, love,  joy and good health in the days to come. 

The following textural series is taken while wandering about home last fall.    Yes, I am THAT far behind.  It's all good though.  I don't want to subject the Nikon (or my body parts) to the bitter sub-zero temps we've been having!

Sunset silhouette.

Homemade permanent marker, indicating the high water mark during the 2011 flooding on the Missouri, in front of our house. 

Sandbar shadows.

Rates of decay.


Falling water levels.

Lone leaf.

Nosy Nellie's.  (Nice bunch of cows you've got there Steven....)


"Straight" line.

"'d better take care....".- Gordon Lightfoot

Orb cluster.


Stay tuned!  Up next:  Sunrise study. 


"When deeds speak, words are nothing." - Pierre- Joseph Proudhon