Friday, April 25, 2014

The Kolden Report: Managua Morning, Nicaragua. April 25, 2014

     Hello, kids!

So many things we saw  were so out of the ordinary, in Nicaragua! 

Pairs of oxen pulling overloaded, rickety looking carts, frequented the roadways.

Too much slack.  Looks like the one oxen needs some adjustment!

One horse hitch.  Hauling water - many have no source of water at their home.  At least he owns a horse and wagon!

Even kids "drive".  And the whole family rides!  Tires look a bit bald though.

How you get the groceries home.  Makes my neck hurt to look at him!


Homespun clothesline.  I noticed they turn the pants inside out when line drying them.  Suppose it's to keep them clean in case they fall to the ground?

Major mural.

24 hour lodging. 

Cargill, Nicaragua style.

Victoria's furniture.  Love those rockers!

Public transport.  Uptown ride!

Disco bar?  Is it 1982 again?

"Do the hustle!"

Sort of translates to "for sale, sold".  What? 

The trash man cometh. 

This view surprised me.  I saw little open country in Nica.  I wondered who might own this large, unpopulated parcel?

Managua.  Most fast foods could be found there.

Closed Mondays but open 10 hours every OTHER day of the week. 

Vendors set up near larges businesses to cater to the workers, I suppose. 

  Hamberguesas. (Burgers)   Auto mac (drive through?)  Desayuno (breakfast). 

7-11, Managua style.

Repairing the roof.  New tiles going up!

Stay tuned, more Managua to come!


"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself." - Jim Morrison

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Kolden Report: Pulperias and the San Sebastian Cemetery. April 13th, 2014

     Hello, kids!


Masaya "halo".

Casa gate.

Remember the toys I mentioned bringing to Nicaragua?  Well, one toy was these gorgeous, pink,  high heels, a matching purse, earrings, bracelet and necklace set for Helena.  When she spotted it in our room, she asked, "Is that for ME?".  I told her it was and to open it.  VERY carefully she opened, examined and donned each piece and then clomped out of the room to show her Dad.  Partway there, she returned to me and looked  at me with her big brown eyes and said, "OH, THANK YOU, Kitty!"   The best part?  No one told her to thank me, she came up with that all by her almost four year old self!  And  I'll think of her voice, so quiet and serious and joyful every time I see this image. 

Bird breakfast.

NOT watermelon, even though they look much like them.

Strange, vines with mini watermelon looking "fruits", hidden amongst the brilliant yellow blossoms.

Looks like another pulperia (store).  Steep driveway though.

And the ants go marching, two by two, HURRAH.  (While carrying a morsel of some sort back to their lair.)

Pulperias galore!   And look at the interlocking stone streets.

Ads help the gringo identify the pulperias.  I imagine the locals too.

I ran the words on this building through google translate.  Apparently they are Spanish, Italian AND Portugese!  That might make learning to speak  the language in Nicaragua a bit more difficult! ( Either that or this shop keep is multilingual.) 

Can you imagine?  Being elderly, collecting firewood, packing that wood to cook what little food you have and walking how many miles with that wood?  Uphill?  No wonder he's thin.  But somehow, I think he looks happy.  Or at least peaceful.   ( I love this image.)

Pulperia.  Sometimes you have to look harder to distinguish that it's a store. ( And there are many, hidden in the thick trees.)

Home on a hill.  Looks like they cook inside the bamboo walled building and rest in the shade in the bright orange hammock. 

Something about this pulperia is very welcoming.  Plus, they sell beer and water. 

Contrast.  (Oxcart seen from inside tinted windows.  Nice looking pair, if I may say so myself. )

Believe it or not.  The second man is pushing a SEWING machine up the hill!  Portable tailor?  Must be.  His machine is set up quite nicely on the wheeled cart. 

San Sebastian Cemetery.  "Cooperation of the people". 

Bright crosses and  flowers  in the San Sebastian Cemetery.  And a six wire fence to keep out loose livestock, no doubt. 

Reminiscent of Louisiana, with raised vaults.  I'm not sure why it's done here although in Louisiana it's done to keep the bodies from floating away down the street during heavy rains, because the water table is so high, particularly in New Orleans. 

More to come!


"A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way." - Mark Twain


Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Kolden Report: Meet Little Jay. April 12th, 2014

Hello, kids!

Thus far Jay and family in Nicaragua have reported no damages from the earthquakes of the past 48 hours, even though the epicenter was not far from their holdings.  That's one good thing about not building many multistory buildings! 

I wonder if this house is a landmark?  (You know, travel until you see the purplish house on the corner with the wrought iron fence?  There'll be a lady and a kid sitting by it and a motorcycle parked next door at the salmon colored house....)

Mamma's house.  (Again, the wide boards full of character, these even more so than the orange ones.  The gate may be to keep the chickens and dogs out of it.)

Mamma's bananas.  Won't be ripe for a while yet. 

Mamma's blossoms.

Margina's nephew. ( Friendly lad.) 

Pulperia,  for gringos perhaps.  (Big "Aleve" sign, in case you have a headache from drinking too many margaritas while listening to the mariachi band.)

Carts for kids.

Milk is pronounced "leh, chay".  Leche.  It comes in bags too!  Notice the starbucks frappacino and  Hersheys' bottles?  They all have the white import label, indicating products brought in from the US.  Extra taxes are levied on those items I bet. 

Meet "Little Jay".  Man of few words but OH is he busy!

Sun setting on Apoyo  Lagoon.

Sunrise.  Las Flores coffee in hand.  ON vacation. ( Divine daily views!)

Masaya morning.  The Volcano was often shrouded in clouds.

As the sun crept higher, the forest came to life.  Birds and howler monkeys spoke to one another.  I tried to find them in the tangle.

And did I mention this,  Jay's Apoyo lake casa,  is for sale?  Two bedroom, two bath with a large upper loft.   Indoor plumbing and electricity too!   Email me for contact info if you are interested. 

The view below.  (Private resorts dot the lagoon's shore.)

Jungle "gym".

Bright bloom.

Bird food.

Drink in the color!

Cuidador's daughter, the big sister of twins (and her Mamma's little helper).

Twin babes.  Not yet named.  They are called "Nino" (boy) and "Nina" (girl) for now.  ( And no they are not identical.   Yes, people do ask that.)   Rather than the flannel receiving blankets we are used to in Montana, their receiving blankets are pieces of cotton with unfinished edges, similar to that of bed sheets.  There is no need for heavy sleepers and thick blankets in such a climate!


"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever."  - Alfred Lord Tennyson
