Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Kolden Report: March Magic

Hello kids!

I have much going on in my world!  SO much to be thankful for. 

Here are a few sights that bring me deep gratitude.  Enjoy!

Suspended sun.

Light orb.

March magic.

Clean and serene.

Light it UP!

Cloud candy.


When food is art.

A Rose by Herman B. Stokes

"I would rather have a little rose from the garden of a friend,
Than flowers strewn around my casket when my days on earth must end.
I would rather have a living smile from one I know is true,
Than tears shed `round my casket when this world I bid adieu.
Bring me all the flowers today whether pink or white or red,
I would rather have one blossom now than a truckload when I`m dead." 

Folks, consider this" one little rose, from the garden of a friend", with love and gratitude from me.  Thank you for your support these past years!

Stay tuned, more to come. 

"Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions.  The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for." - Zig Ziglar


Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Kolden Report: How lucky can we get?

                    Hello, kids!

I'm feeling very fortunate these days.  Fortunate to live in a beautiful, unspoiled land filled with wildlife and a devoted spouse to share it with.  Fortunate to have a snug home filled with too much stuff!  Fortunate to have grown up with two wild and crazy parents who let me roam and run to grow and learn.  Fortunate to still have both of those parents on this earth.   I am also fortunate to have two friends, who are also my sisters, one of whom  recently celebrated her birthday, just after Mom.  In honor of their  birthdays, enjoy!

Creek crook.

Frost tipped.

Fog on frost.

What a WONDERFUL world!

Peaceful, easy feelin'....

Angus dreams.

All is right with the world.

House of the rising sun.

Nature's way.

Bursting forth.

Should I stay or should I go?





Nikon  (and Mother Nature)....I LOVE you!  (From the moment I saw these images, I was in love.  I'm filled with gratitude for the quiet moment with nature and my camera.  Some might say: "It's only weeds."  Sad, if that is ALL that you see!)



Pheasant perch.

Coexist.  (Interesting how names come to me.  I envision the smaller, willow branch locked between the larger branches, happy to be there as if lending something to the bigger picture.  "The sum of the whole is greater than that of it's parts"?)  


Clean break.

Strange fruit!

Dusk's descent.  (LOVE the silky feeling of the trees in this one.)

"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia, until we ultimately become enslaved by it." - Robert Heinlen
