Hello, kids!
Today, I'd like to remind each of you to do what you can for one another. You can shovel an elderly neighbor's walk, volunteer at a local soup kitchen, give blood, visit a nursing home, donate gently used items to a homeless shelter or foster a child. What you'll get in return will surprise you.
Now, back to Wyoming....
Morning song.
Heaven on earth (the smell of pine in the morning...that is!)
After breakfast, I set off into the canyon in search of "Outlaw Cave". I left my heavy camera behind and took only Jim's light camera - and a bottle of water. Jim remained on the canyon rim with my camera and documented the event, photographically.
Without the sign, I don't think I could have found the trail although it was fairly well marked with paint on the boulders along the descent.
Here, I'm nearing the bottom (white shirt-center) and you can see the cave above and to the right.
Mesmerized by the music of the rushing river, I stood.
First, looking upstream at the small pools capped by frothy falls.
And down stream at narrow, boulder strewn, vertical canyon walls. I knew the cave had to be across the river but it was proving hard to see from the ground!
I chose my crossing and shed socks and shoes. Slippery, mossy stones attempted to upend me and the water was bitter cold! By the time I made it across, my feet and legs were aching from the cold. This would be a trek best made in July. As I drip-dried, I thought about this cave and the outlaws who hid in this narrow, steep walled canyon, strewn with large boulders and icy water. It would be difficult to make a quick get away. I found it hard to believe that outlaws rode horses into this canyon.
Don't mind the bear excrement on the trail. And in photos, it doesn't look as steep as it is in reality.
The story goes that hides would be placed over the cave entrance to retain heat in the winter months. With a fire, food and some bedding, it'd be do-able! My only concern would be during heavy rainfall. I wondered how quickly the canyon filled with water?
In the greenery to the right of this image, was a PVC tube. Out of curiosity, I opened it to find it was a BLM cave register and pen. I signed in. And this is where my photography ends. Jim's camera battery was very low and I hadn't noticed. I felt fortunate to have gotten the shots I did before the battery died. All that was left to do was cross the river again, dry off and climb back out of the canyon.
Wild flowers dotted the landscape.
Both Jim and I found the country appealing.
Visual feast.
Welcoming committee.
Chris Ledeaux Memorial Park in Kaycee.
Sunflowers in Kaycee.
Hoof prints of the past, museum in Kaycee. If you get a chance, it's well worth a visit!
Blossom burst.
Red Wall faces.Up next: More of Wyoming!***************************************************************************************************"Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth." - Bradley Whitford***************************************************************************************************www.kittykolden.comwww.thekoldenreport.blogspot.com