Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kolden "Crooked Creek" Report, Day Eight

With all the water in the country, we were not surprised to wake to fog. 
Bright sunshine burned through the fog and the day became extraordinarily beautiful!
This little bird was truly "camped" out on this sign. 
He primped while I photographed him.
We paddled out to investigate the aftermath of the flooding and immediately noticed an appreciable difference in the water level. It was fun to paddle about in the cottonwoods that only last year, were high and dry.
The lake was like glass making paddling  in the reeds a pleasure.  The last vestiges of fog melted into the sunlight.
Having seen the beaver lodge during our previous paddlings, we thought we'd try to quietly approach in hopes of getting a picture or two.  Either the good lord smiled upon us or the beaver was sick, senile or injured because she remained,
allowing us lots of shots! 

The fatty, flat tail even shows here.
After allowing us many pictures, she slipped into the water and swam away.
Elated at our good fortune in capturing the beaver in photograph, we paddled on toward the rushing floodwaters of the Mussellshell.  Pelicans bobbed about in the slower moving waters.
When we got close enough them, some finally flew.
The rushing water had a dizzying effect as it sped by, covering what had been dryland only a few days prior.
The pelicans seemed to like to float down with the floodwaters and then fly back upstream to repeat the process.    One pelican flew right over us and I was lucky enough to capture this shot (lady luck was a BUSY girl that day).  Notice how he's giving us "the eye"?
Back in the water, there were whirlpools and at times even little rapids due to submerged logs and such. 
We were stunned as we surveyed the area.  There were log jams and foam piles everywhere you looked. 
We knew the river had been 2 foot over flood stage before a stock dam gave way upstream due to the local sheriff's kind warning.  We hadn't expected to see quite this much water and debris however.
We expected to see snakes or other critters up on the log jams but were disappointed.
 Paddling back into the shallows of the cottonwoods and salt cedar, I captured this reddened cottonwood leaf.  We wondered if it wasn't red due to the stress of being underwater?
This guy tried to hitch hike to shore in our canoe.  Can't say as I blame him...he was in a tough spot stuck on that blade of grass in the floodwaters.
The trees were full of birds and the sounds of their calls were amazing.

This bark fascinated me - so smooth, yet decorative.
A neighbor to this tree had entirely different bark.

We saw many wonderful and amazing sights and feel blessed to have been a part of it all. 

Thought for the day:  Look about.   Much exists in the world that many don't even notice.

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