Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kolden Report, July 4, 2010, Day Two, part two

The pelicans only tolerated our presence for a short while.


After the pelicans flew, we slowly progressed to the gravel bar where they had been and had a picnic lunch.

The pelicans were unhappy with our presence and continued to circle the area, waiting for our departure.

The fishing must have been pretty good in that spot!

We decided to begin the return journey, sans motor, as the water was quite shallow.  The current was quick and we made good progress. 
We decided to pull to shore and take a hike about in the badlands.

It was here that my last set of camera batteries died, leaving all the photography to Jim and his camera. I was disheartened at the loss of my camera. Fortunately, Jim agreed to shoot items of interest to me such as this interesting weed spray against the stark, dried adobe mud.
A downy weed seed filled head.

Jim came across this skull and captured it's essence.

Back on the water, a pelican woke from his nap.  He thought he was hidden in the weeds as he didn't offer to leave.

Many wary ducks bobbed about but were difficult to shoot as they were quick to fly.

Again, we encountered young geese who swam ahead of us, watching.


Rounding the last bend before the "home stretch", we noticed that the rookery was FULL!

 We drifted near them.  Jim took pictures while I kept the canoe positioned.  The birds did not fly! 

 When we finished admiring them, we motored home to Whitey.  Another fabulous day of vacation!

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