Hello, kids!
I am dedicating this report to my long
distance friends Jean and Jude, in thanks for their support.
Days whirl into weeks in my world and
even so, I MAKE time to immerse myself into what feels like an alternate
universe - where time stands still and stress is non existent.
As the night gives way to day, I watch
creatures head for bed and garner a bit of peace, knowing all is right with
their world.
Loner, peeking at me through tall grass.
Leader and Shy Guy remain buds, traveling tandem while occasionally reaffirming
their "peck order' and I
wonder, are they twins? I see them twice daily while Loner is more elusive .
Fence line sunrise.
Embrace the day.
Pink....stripe? How odd, yet lovely.
Wary pair. (Pronghorn
Terrific trio.
Why antelope became known as "Speed
Goats". (They can run 50-60 mph!)
Hairy neck...
Prancer. (My favorite shot of the lot.
Love the backward glance, fluffy red neck and white
On the "go".
Ooo, oooo, oooo...my RED eyed
Pair on a pond.
What a long BILL you
Pretty bird.
Synchronized diving. (Always has to be a
few who can't seem to get in synch....)
Meadowlark moment.
Looking left.
Songs of love.
Sky search.
My commute II.
BIG sky country.
Tree-lined sunrise.
Goose and a gander.
Through the fence. (Like them both,
couldn't decide -so you get them both).
Mulie shapes.
Eenie, Meenie and
UP, UP and AWAY.
And then there were five. (Every
morning, I watch for this little herd....hoping for a few moments alone with
GOOD morning!
Delicate. (Another favorite
Love this one too, maybe more than the
first. Somber tones punctuated by the sunlit feather,
Goodkind Gallery in Glasgow, sponsored an
iron pour. I would love to get involved if I have a
Iron pour
Heating the
Safety is job #1.
Montana Memo.
Good night, moon.
Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson