Friday, April 12, 2013

The Kolden Report: Thanks, Glendive and HELLO, GLASGOW! April 12, 2013

Hello, kids!
Things are wild and woolly in my world so let's just get down to it!  (Yes, I am a day late and a dollar short...AGAIN.)
First of all, Happy Birthday to my nephew Nathan!  You are one amazing human -  grandson, son, nephew, husband, father - I look forward to watching the rest of your life unfold and I wish you many more wonderful years on the planet. 
Next, a hearty thank you goes out to the great folks of Glendive for the warm reception last weekend at The Gallery.   My show is now posted online and you can view it here:  (Marge, Em....I knew you'd appreciate this!)
Along with my show,  The Gallery is also hosting the 34th Annual SE Montana Traveling Art Show, sponsored by the Custer County Art and Heritage Center. You can view that show here:    Both shows will remain until the end of April, so if you get a chance, stop and shop in Glendive at The Gallery, 109 N Main. 
The Gallery also has unique gifts such as silverware jewelry and accessories.  You can see what I mean by visiting that artists etsy store here: 
Lastly, I will be in Glasgow TOMORROW, from 9-3 at the Valley Event Center.  It is not only the annual Walleye's Bazaar, held in conjunction with their banquet and awards night but THIS year, it is the STATE Walleye's Unlimited Banquet!  According to the event organizer, there are over 55 folks coming and I will be one of them.  If this year is anything like last year, it's a DO NOT MISS event.  I was fortunate enough to be situated next to Kent Moorehouse, a talented taxidermist, who had full size mounts on display.  Luckily, I was also near the Apple Trolley, making it easy for me to get my fix of chocolate covered strawberries and their famous apples, dipped in (my favorite) chocolate, caramel and nuts.  Bobbie Britzman was also nearby with her handmade, colorful tutus and head bands for the little ones and I expect to see all those folks and many more.  The weather is supposed to be icky in NE Montana tomorrow so why not spend your day with us, inside the Event Center?  Come out, see my newest pieces, sign up to win (yes, I am giving away some items)  eat, drink and be merry!
And now....on to the report!
You CAN'T see me! 
(We've been watching three young raccoons, fresh from hibernation, in search of food.  We watched three baby coons last year and wonder if this is them?  Their personalities are distinct....this is "shy guy" - and once up the tree, it froze, never twitching a muscle.  Look at that hind leg!  It made my leg ache just watching it.   Those of you who know me or who have been a subscriber for a time, know that I am fond of raccoons, the mischievous, destructive little devils that they are because:  we had a baby raccoon when I was a kid and after having taken a baby raccoon and two kittens to bed with you every do develop an affinity for them!)

(And this is what the OTHER side of the tree looks like....again, frozen.  Loner and Leader had already moved on but Shy Guy.....remained.  Shy Guy follows leader ALWAYS.  Loner does as he pleases but the other two are TIGHT.  I watched them with binoculars this morning, same as doing his thing and Leader and Shy Guy, never far apart.)
OOOOH, my face itches!  (Can you imagine not having fingers to scratch with?)

MUCH melting went on last week.  Ordinarily dry ditches were running streams!

Goose Lane? 

Field of ice.  (Which melted)

Dear National Weather Service,
I have found your weather balloon. 
It is at about mile marker 293 on the highway between Glendive and Circle.  Look North and you can't miss it.

Looking East.  (Glendive, I have fallen in love with your Bell Street Bridge.  If there was any way I could be there for your "Dinner on the Bell Street Bridge" this summer, you can rest assured I would!  What a NEAT event!)

"Painted Sky". 
(Dear Mother Nature,
Thank you for the colors you placed in the sky, when I was shooting the Bell Street Bridge.  They were SPECTACULAR!

Spans aplenty!

Bleach job.

Windshield time.    (Yes, you got it.  70 mph.)

Prairie pond. 
Conglomeration.  (Makes me want to peek in the window!)

Do they STILL sell tires and batteries?

Days gone by...

Aglow.  (A big thank you goes out to farmers who's efforts feed the wildlife in this world.)


A closer look.

POP of color. 

My color starved senses fed upon this willow, bright against the clean, white snow. 
Iceberg melt.

Missouri River Waterfall.  Huh? 
(Upon investigating, I found many waterfalls, running fast and dirty, eroding the river bank.  All that melting snow must go somewhere, right?)

And overhead, geese and ducks by the drove!  These geese, just part of a larger group of Canadians returned from South. 


Suicide doors

I LOVE these door handles!  I don't even know why....

Bed on board.

"Spring" view.
 "Face" time.

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” - C. S. Lewis

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