Hello, kids!
Having never attended Brockway Diary Day Rodeo, this was the year to do so! What fun it was. Here is the story.

Smoke from wildfires.

Rodeo on the prairie.

Horse trailer parking!

Old style biffy's (with the addition of a privacy screen) - no corn cobs or catalogs needed.
Finding the approaching camera more interesting than the rodeo?
We arrived to find the rodeo in full swing!
From watching this cowboy, you understand why the announcers proclaim them to be conditioned athletes!
Can't quite do it....
The "stage" is set.
Between a rock and a hard place. ( I love the hat suspended in mid air.)
The horse seems happy to be loose his rider.

Hot from the chute.
The flip.
Tie it up.
Ride away. (Love the embroidery).

Churn and burn.

Love the dainty tail on this calf.
And then there were two. (Wearing fresh poo).
Brockway bail-off.
Run, cowboy, RUN.
Fun in the sun...
Until someone fell down. (She was so kind, she came back for him, helped him up and they were OFF and running!)
Gaggle of girls on the run.

Waiting to rope.
The chase is on.
Hard luck.
Trip factor.
Loop de loop.

Mission accomplished. (Look at her horse! Determination and a braided tail...)

WHOA, Nellie!
Up next: Broncs and more.
"We expect to pass through this world but once. Any good we can do, therefore, or any kindness that we can show to any fellow creature, let us do it now; let us not defer or neglect it, for we shall not pass this way again." - Stephen Grellet
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