Welcome new subscribers. I'm happy to have you along for the ride. Feel free to share the Kolden Report as you wish. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!
A hearty "thank you" goes out to those of you who were able to attend the bazaar last weekend. It was wonderful seeing old friends and making new. Your unwavering support means much. Call it MY early Christmas present! Congratulations to those of you who were winners in this year's "Give Back" drawings as well. It is SO MUCH FUN, to give prizes away! One winner was in her 80's and told me she'd NEVER won ANYTHING before. Nearly made me cry.
I've come to love the seasons for what they bring anew. Fog, frost, snow, muted light and soft shadows of winter are a respite from the harsh glare of summer. Here is such a report. Enjoy!

"Oh bury me not, on the lone prairie..." - Sons of the Pioneers (or Johnny Cash) But don't you think it would be peaceful? Looks that way to me, although I'm going in for a burning, not a burying, when my days are through.

Swirling skies over snow.
The neighbors.
Rise and shine. (I so love the fog and what it does to light.)
While he could use a few more groceries, his coat is nice and thick. If you see him wandering Wolf Point, throw him a bone. He's a mellow fellow.
Love that moment when the sun crests the horizon.

Ear notch. (See the deer in the middle? Part of the left ear is gone. Bad shot, perhaps? Fish and Game at work?)
Low lying clouds in the distance, through dissipating fog.
Floating orb.
"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another." - Charles Dickens
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