Hello, kids!
Leaving Las Vegas. ( I found the stark contrast between departing jet over the city and the serene silhouette of the hills in the background, interesting.)
Past meets present. (Sister Penny and I took the GPS route that was shortest and drove some rather rural roads, on our way to Winterhaven. It was scenic!)
Peaceful Penny.
Still going after all these years! (Our parents, Dewey and JoAnn)

Colors of Los Algodones. (We gathered here for breakfast before shopping and had the place to ourselves!)
Toilet for tips. (Because we hold you in HIGH esteem. Love it!)

Sister shopping. The vendors came to us as we were the only game in town. Oddly, they are not allowed to place their wares on the table.
Vendor space. Must be running late today!
Family conference. They are some SERIOUS shoppers.
Tiny treasure. (She eats her cookie contentedly, while the family tends to the booth in the marketplace.)
Up next: Leaving Los Algodones.
"Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all of your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement." - Golda Meir
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