Happy Independence Day! I trust you are all celebrating in a safe fashion and will find yourselves burn-less and with all your digits tomorrow.
Welcome new subscribers. Enjoy the ride....
This coming Saturday, July 11th, is Wolf Point's Art in the Park from 10am-5pm at Sherman Park, in conjunction with the Wild Horse Stampede and our Centennial. Come see me, as well as good friend and phenomenal artist Lance Johnson, who is in the big time now and rarely graces the doors of "home" unless it's to see family. Lance's work is widely recognized and his talent will amaze and delight. Guaranteed to be a great show for all!
And now, images from my world, to yours.

Visitor. (Not a tame Tom, mind you.)

Nature's celebration.
Petal power. (Yes, many find it hard to believe that this is a dandelion. Aren't they glorious, when you really LOOK at them?)
Follow the yellow bloom road.
Bearded beauty.
This is a poor image but the context of it is what tickled me. I found a robin's nest, blown from a tree last year. I stuck it behind the handle-less shovel. This year, a robin moved in and raised a family! Opportunistic.
Old timer.
Black and white.
My old cat Lukie - hard of hearing, partly blind. We sit with him outside as he's nervous about being out alone now days.

Lost in thought. (Perhaps remembering his younger days when he roamed the countryside in search of a mouse, discovered that voles are vicious or fought off a raccoon on the porch, sidewinder fashion, as if it were perfectly natural for a cat to tangle - and win- with a full grown coon!)
Burst forth.
While having coffee on the lanai one morning, this fellow wandered by.
Roadside attraction.
Flip side. (I love the back just as much as the front!)

Bokeh. (They are all peering intently toward the sun....)
Up next: Herd Bull!
In the end, only THREE THINGS matter, how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you. — Buddha********************************************************************************************************************************
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