Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Kolden Report: It's BACK! June 25, 2012

Hi, kids!
Sale #3 came of without a hitch and I am SLOWLY preparing for #4, which will be held on July 3rd, from 1-7 pm.  I am also preparing for a show on July 8th.  Details to follow!
Here is a short report from my week:
Pretty bird, neck deep in alfalfa.
Summer skies.
Sans windmill.
Backlit grasses.
Lush grain field, golden at sunrise.
Bunny breakfast.
Look who came to visit!  BIG bullsnake.  I prefer to think it's MY snake now and not some random passerby.
Yes, Teddy.....I think Snake IS smiling!
I laid in the dirt, admiring the snake while it laid in the dirt, looking back at me...tongue flicking in and out.  (That is hard to capture!)
And then....Snake grew tired of it all and stealthily slithered off. 
I am amazed at the difference in color and pattern on the various lengths of Snake's body.
You would almost think this is not the same snake!
The tail CERTAINLY appears to be from a different snake but not so!
More dive bombing went on.  I wondered if this was a sport for either of them?
Hawk screamed incessantly, both in  flight and while perched.  My presence was a certain irritant.
The feathers appear see through!
Screaming and flying....
Water, water...everywhere!
Grass in the foreground gives it some perspective.
Missouri Magic.
Red sky in morning...(sailors take warning).
Love to watch the progression of a sunrise.
And ...flying and screaming.  (Sore throat, from all the screaming?)
I LOVE this shot.  Something very clean about it.
Pretty bird pose.
It is not work that kills men, it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more on a man than he can bear. But worry is rust upon the blade. It is not movement that destroys the machinery, but friction.
Henry Ward Beecher


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