Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Kolden Report: Variety show, 8-7-12

Hi, kids!

Seagull highway.  Not an oft seen occurrence in my neck of the woods.

Who is JD? 

Evening swim at the dredge cuts. 

Nashua, Montana.

Blue evening on the Missouri.

Old vs new.  See the giant log in the right toward the bottom?  Much of that was under water last year,  as was the white sands in the left of the photo.  That was a LOT of water coming down the river!

  Two stem sunset  (Love this one. )

Golden grasses.  (Love this one too)

Yucca moon.  (And this one...)

A river runs through it.

Hog Ranch wheat field.

Prairie plant.

Sunset shapes.  (See the canine head?)

Missouri Moment.

Golden waters.

Heavenly sunrise.

"Heaven let your light shine down...."- Collective Soul.

Stormin' mornin'

Neighbors cut.

One way to get the most out of life is
to look upon it as an adventure.

William Feather



  1. I have a question? Can I save a picture of yours for a screen saver?

  2. Hello, anonymous! You certainly can save a picture as a screen saver. Thank you for asking! Enjoy....
