Saturday is the annual Optimist Bazaar at the Wolf Point High School. I've been feverishly preparing pieces and must say that I am pleased. I ventured into metal frames and had a BALL with canvas. Add leather and metal prints and well, what's not to love?
The event begins at 9am and runs until 3pm. Come out and have a look! There will be much to choose from, the weather is to be delightful and I'd love to see you...
Now, enjoy an installment from our Montana Moments road trip!
I found myself mesmerized by the rail car art , as we traveled along the hi-line. This message was particularly powerful.
Righteous Rockies.
Hungry Horse Dam.

Inlet. (Hungry Horse Dam)

Mirror, mirror.
Babbling brook.
Breathe. (Yes, I built it. Have you tried? It's ENTHRALLING. Sort of like Jenga...with rocks. Try it!)
Works of art.
Almost perfect. (Or it is perfect in its imperfection?)

Fern fronds. (I love the shape...)

The closer you look, the more there is to see! (The fronds look like feathers to me....)
Up next: Mountain Magic, stay tuned!
"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground." - Theodore Roosevelt
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