Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Kolden Report: Soul Candy

Hello, kids!

Some weeks ago we took advantage of the lovely weather, roaming the countryside.  It is ALWAYS worth it, to be out among  trees and critters, in silence and under starry skies.  Crisp air, stiff breezes and little snow made for perfect conditions.  Enjoy the ride!

Blue blaze.  AKA "Mighty Missouri".

Who remembers the Chevy Viking?

My pulse always quickens when I  first glimpse  "big blue" waters. 

Time stands still.

Splendor surrender.

Clean and clear.

Juniper berry bliss.


Reach for the heavens.

Striata.  (Yes, I build my own words.)

Standing guard.

We snuggled deep into our bag when the sun sank.   Made it easy to get up at 1 a.m., in awe of the night skies.

How the word "awesome" came to be.

Star tracks.

"Welcome to the grand illusion!" - Styx

I woke to find the skies painted.

Morning magic.

The big picture.  (There is something about standing under a brilliant sky that leaves no room for words, only emotion.)

Shape shift.

Changing states.

Frosted thorns.

Berry burst.

Close cluster.

Hiding in plain sight.

Face-off.  (THIS time of year?  Makes one scratch their head.)

Boys will be boys.

"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." - Aristotle


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