Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Kolden Report: Wild Horse Stampede, Part two, July 2012

Hi, kids!
Here is everyone's favorite (even the horses).....the Wild Horse Race! 
Pre-ride meeting of the minds...
Ready, willing and able.
Let the games begin!
Trouble, right from the start.
Man vs horse.
Paired raring.
Hang on Garrett! (Garrett is the son of a classmate who is no longer with us.  Rest easy, Mike Long).
Garrett, AKA:  Whiplash..., hanging on for dear life!
Almost to the finish line...
So close and yet so far away.
The horses are winning...
Nearly broke to lead!
Burn, baby...burn.
I took part in a very cool event....the luminary release in honor of those with breast cancer, past, present and future.  
The luminaries were visible for a long while as they floated up, up and away.    As I watched, my thoughts were with Sister Vicki, Linda, Karyl, Betty, Stephanie, Pat, Pat, Bess, Darlene, Teena, Bonnie and all of the women who have bravely fought the battle.  Here's to all of you......
Three, helping one another, bear the burden of six.
Latin Proverb

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