Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Kolden Report: From Circle, Montana to Portland, Oregon...and points in between. February 28, 2013

Hello, kids!
I am pleased to invite you all to the first annual Circle Art Walk, tomorrow (Friday) from 3-6 in Circle, MT.   Artists participating include:
*Judy Bollinger -Jordan, MT  -original paintings - at Circle Insurance.
* Peggy Nerud & Mary Knapp -Circle & Billings - collaborating their talents with pieces made from metal finds
and fused glass- at Garfield Bank.
*Maureen Curtiss -Circle, MT,  paintings on sandstone featuring new works of Homesteads from the Nelson & McGuire
Creeks - at Circle Credit Union.
*Tom Colhurst- Circle,MT- carved works made from old ceder fence posts - at Joanne's Boutique.
And ME, at Prairie Pickin's.
Businesses will remain open until 6pm to give folks a chance to come on out and view our art.  Come see us, if you can.  We'll leave the light on....
In other news, lady luck has again smiled upon me.  I had ANOTHER piece accepted into a Portland, Oregon Gallery!  Life IS GOOD!
And now, a short report. 

Regal eagle.  (Seems to favor this particular tree).

Rugged river. 

Shape shift.  The air hole shoreline is in a constant state of flux.

Red sky at night.

Clear channel. 

Ahhhhhhhh, moment.

Heaven let your LIGHT shine down!
I am relieved that the days grow longer.  It's difficult for me to be able to photograph my world when it's dark when I leave for work and again when I drive home!  I can almost feel my soul let out a squeal of delight at the thought of capturing the sun breaking the horizon above the river or setting over town as I leave.  The thought of foggy mornings and cloudy eves, thrill me and after a winter's slow down I find myself primed and ready. 

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened.  Happiness never decreases by being shared.  - Buddha

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