Monday, July 21, 2014

The Kolden Report: Sister's Trip, 2014. Winter again?

Hello, kids!

It is not unusual for snows in late March in Montana.  I felt bad for Mom and Dad because they really didn't want to deal with snow but, you take what you get and you don't throw a fit!

We could barely get the front door open, due to heavy snowfall.  MUCH had fallen overnight.

Penny had knitted the hat for Cindy but had to borrow it for a day.  

Cindy's muscles.  (Dad was stuck in a drift so we girls shoveled and pushed until we got him out.)

I LOVE this picture.  I call my sisters "Captain and Tenille". 

Yes, we girls are in our pajamas and sweat pants....

Some streets had been plowed and Dad took for me a spin around town.  It was pretty white!

Bangs of ice?

Looks like winter to me.

Frost floating over cattails.

Melting from the roof.

Wheel of fortune?

I heard Mom and Dad say, on more than one occasion, "Maybe we came home too soon?"

But it was beautiful!  And moisture is always appreciated in my world. 

Up next:  Do dogs like snakes? 

" In dwelling, live close to the ground.  In thinking, keep to the simple.  In conflict, be fair and generous.  In governing, don't try to control.  In work, do what you enjoy.  In family life, be completely present." - Lao Tzu


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