Monday, June 28, 2010

Kolden "Crooked Creek " Report, Day Two

We had friends coming to join us from Great Falls but, they were not due to arrive until Monday.  After a good night's sleep at the Crooked Creek Campground, in ERv, Jim and I loaded up Whitey and headed out into the hills for a few days.     There was much to see!

We came across a huge sandstone and while investigating, I
found this large brand carved into the side of it.  No way of knowing how old the carving is.  It could be recent.
 I also stumbled upon these leafcutter bee larvae stuffed into the small round holes in the sandstone. Normally, the bees fill your air hose or electrical outlets with larvae!

We came across smatterings of blooms here and there.  The prairie was alive with wildflowers!

I was particularly enamored of this explosion of yellow flowers.

Seems that the closer I shot them, the better they looked!

To me, the flower is most interesting close up.

Lush, full pine cones and needles.
Delicate sweet pea-ish magenta colored blossoms (should take a botany much I don't know!)
Edible "puffball" mushroom larger than my hand.
Wild daisies.
Wild rose bloom with spent blossom and bud.
Wild onion blossom?  Looks like a much fancier cousin doesn't it?  (Am told it's a variety of lily - interesting to see it on the prairie!)
We spooked these bull elk and they did not linger for us to view them.
We came upon this homestead and the windmill fascinated Jim.  Look at it's geared head. 
 Another shot of the wondrous windmill!
I am not sure what this is but I like it!
This little ground squirrel was as curious about me as I was of her.  We spent a bit of time together.
I like to think that she was glad to see me!
If I walked around the collapsed corral, she'd scurry over to the other side to watch me.  Dandelion shoots apparently are a favorite evening snack.
If it itches, scratch it!
If it's dirty, clean it up~!  (Note the mammary glands exposed by suckling.  Would have been great to find the nest...)
Love that lichen...
Homestead in the soft evening sunlight.
This was quite a homestead.  Many old shacks, chicken coops and even an outhouse tipped on its side.
I peeked in one door and found this view out the window of interest.
It was a bit too dark to be shooting but I could not resist.  This little cluster called out to me.
Again, it was pretty dark but these gorgeous flowers had to be photographed!
I kept finding lovely flowers such as these.

The guardrail looks pretty iffy to me.

  It's really just for show.  The coulee IS deep however.

Vacation is wondrous!

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